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MARCH 05, 2011 | SHOW #610 •Sky hunters and nature's garbage brigade •Lake of the Woods ice action still going strong
| RESULTS FOR POLL s609 Should Wisconsin allow all hunters to use crossbows during the archery deer season? YES 58% | NO 42% | MAYBE 0% | UNDECIDED 0% | OTHER 0% IMPRESSIONS: 291 | RESPONSES: 12 | COMMENTS: 0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Because of concerns about the continuing effects of lead shot on wild game and non-game birds in Wisconsin: • Do you favor requiring the use of non-toxic shotgun ammunition for all hunting/shooting activities, with the exception of department-approved shooting ranges, on department-managed lands? • This proposal would not apply to any form of hunting with rifles or slugs and would not be implemented until 2015 to allow a transition period for retailers and hunters. BACKGROUND: Use of non-toxic shot on DNR lands
This is question No. 45 on the DNR Spring Hearings Questionnaire, which citizens will be asked to vote on at hearings throughout the state on April 11. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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FISHING CONTESTS: Find them ALL online @ American Fishing Contests OTHER EVENTS
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Are you knowledgeable about the outdoors? If so, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources needs your help with an upcoming bear population study.It’s easy, fun – and purposeful. Participants will help DNR scientists update the state black bear population estimate. Last completed in 2006 by the DNR with help from the Wisconsin Bear Hunters Association and the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the study is used to sustainably manage the bear population. Here is how to get involved -- and what you’ll be asked to do as part of this important study:
The baits are loaded with food containing the antibiotic tetracycline. Tetracycline leaves a mark on bone tissue. During the bear hunting season, hunters will be asked to provide a rib sample which will show if the bear ate the tetracycline. DNR scientists will use information on the number of baits eaten by bears, bears harvested and harvested bears marked tetracycline to estimate the population. The 2006 study showed the bear population was much larger than other studies had suggested. In an effort to keep current on bear population trends, the DNR’s bear management plan calls for repeating this population study every five years. The final results of this upcoming study will be available in 2013. The DNR sends an early thanks to the Wis. Bear Hunters Association whose members already have volunteered to set and to check baits as part of this spring’s study. They also will build about 4,000 bait boxes and help find baiting material. Their participation was critical to the success of the 2006 research, and the DNR looks forward to working with the group and – and the new volunteers -- again this year. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Dave MacFarland - 715-365-8917
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Saturday, March 5, 2011
DSORe eNews s610
DSORe eNews s609
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FEBRUARY 26, 2011 | SHOW #609 • Does your camo make you look fat? • Socks for Soldiers campaign at SEWI Fishing & Hunting Expo • The Tank Show rocks at the Milwaukee Sports Show! | RESULTS FOR POLL s608 Do you favor requiring the use of nontoxic shotgun ammunition for all hunting/shooting activities, with the exception of DNR-approved shooting ranges, on all state-managed lands? YES 29% | NO 57% | MAYBE 14% | UNDECIDED 0% | OTHER 0% |IMPRESSIONS: 200 | RESPONSES: 7 | COMMENTS: 0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Should Wisconsin allow all hunters to use crossbows during the archery deer season? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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FISHING CONTESTS: Find them ALL online @ American Fishing Contests OTHER EVENTS
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House of Rep. Continuing Resolution Spending Bill Would Discontinue Cooperative Watershed Conservation Efforts NationwideArlington, Va.--Trout Unlimited (TU) strongly opposes HR 1, a bill to fund the federal government for the remainder of the fiscal year, due to harmful legislative riders that would block the Clean Water Act and other protective rules for streams and enact sudden and steep cuts in conservation programs. The short-term spending bill, which was passed on Feb. 18, took aim at a suite of natural resource regulations that help protect trout and salmon fisheries and their watersheds from mine waste, uncontrolled off-road vehicle use and other impacts. The bill also blocked the processes in place to restore vital watersheds like the Klamath River basin in Oregon and California and the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Additionally, it eliminated grant programs for fish and wildlife habitat restoration. Read more here: FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Erin Mooney | 571-331-7970 / emooney@tu.org Milford Hills Conducts 2011 Learn to Turkey Hunt ProgramJohnson Creek, WI. -- For the 7th year Milford Hills Hunt Club will take part in the Learn to Hunt Turkey program, which is sponsored by the Wisconsin DNR. The Learn to Hunt program at Milford Hills has educated over 150 participants.
Students will meet their mentors and receive four hours of class room instruction on Saturday April 2 from 8 a.m.-Noon. The hunt will take place later that week, during the morning hours of Saturday and Sunday, April 9th & 10th. Students will hunt turkeys within a 30 minute radius of Milford Hills Hunt Club in Johnson Creek WI. After the hunt, a group photo and lunch will be provided at the club house. Each year about fifty students and mentors take part in the program at Milford Hills. Other clubs and organizations across Wisconsin also participate in the event. Any youth, age 10-16, who has less than 2 years turkey hunting experience and has not participated in the past may sign up for the Milford Hills Learn to Turkey Hunt. Milford Hills is looking for mentors to take part in the program. Those with more than 5 years turkey hunting experience are encouraged to volunteer. If you would like to offer a parcel of land to hunt or time as a mentor, please contact Lloyd at the Milford Hills Hunt Club at 920-699-2249. For more information or to register for the class, send an e-mail to Scott Kirchoff at s.kirchoff@sbcglobal.net or call 414-750-5181. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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