VOL: eNews JULY 30, 2011 ISSUE: SHOW #631 |   | | |
 •Share a ride, tell a story, save a park •14,000 fishing contests nationwide •Kickin’ bass on Chequamegon Bay •Sheboygan salmon action still sizzling  •Dan sells a ton of Fish & Game Gourmet honey at Deer Fest •Jeff sets out trail cameras to search for that big one |  |
 RESULTS FOR POLL s628 Will you apply for a wolf hunting/trapping permit if wolves are ever finally delisted in Wisconsin? YES 47% | NO 47% | MAYBE 6% | UNDECIDED 0% | OTHER 0 % | IMPRESSIONS: 326 | RESPONSES: 17 COMMENTS: 0 |
INSTANT SURVEY VOTE ON - POLL s631 No Child Let Inside is currently pushing for an Environmental Literacy Bill: Good -OR- Bad for the future of the outdoor sporting community? |  |
Prospect of Student Achievement, Green Jobs Produces Bi-partisan Bill COALITION OF 50 MILLION PEOPLE SUPPORTS ENVIRONMENTAL LITERACY BILL WASHINGTON, D.C.—Bi-partisan legislation introduced in Congress today would support the surging environmental education movement, improve student achievement, and prepare students for jobs in the growing green economy. A coalition of business, education, environmental and other groups representing 50 million Americans applauded the introduction in the Senate and House of the historic No Child Left Inside Act (NCLI), a bi-partisan bill sponsored by Senator Jack Reed (D-RI), Senator Mark Kirk (R-Illinois), and Congressman John Sarbanes (D-MD), among others, which helps states boost environmental literacy. “Passing the No Child Left Inside Act is a key step in improving the quality of our children’s education, and preparing them for the complex challenges of the future workforce,” Senator Reed said. READ MORE HERE: |
  You are entered into the drawing - when you leave a COMMENT - for a ... ZipVac portable vacuum sealer starter kit, complete with a rechargeable pump, a hand-operated pump and reusable, resealable storage bags. Follow ZipVac on Twitter and subscribe to the ZipVac blog. |
 Wisconsin’s “St. Croix Cougar” killed in Connecticut EAU CLAIRE – One of four different cougars confirmed to have visited Wisconsin – this one dubbed the “Twin Cities Cougar” or the “St. Croix Cougar” – was killed by a vehicle six weeks ago on a busy highway in Connecticut, wildlife officials said today. From Champlin, Minn., where it was first detected by police on Dec. 5, 2009, to the June 11 accident site near Milford, Conn., is 1,055 miles as the crow flies. This represents a new record for straight-line movement of a known cougar, said wildlife biologist Adrian Wydeven of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. “It’s one of those amazing animal stories,” Wydeven said today. “It shows the potential some of these animals have for moving across the landscape.” Read more here: FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: • Adrian Wydeven, DNR ecologist, Park Falls, 715-762-1363 • Ed Culhane, DNR communications, Eau Claire, 715-781-1683 |