Thursday, April 14, 2011

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APRIL 09, 2011 |  SHOW #615
thiswk•World record canoe race attempt on the Rhine River
•Wisconsin DNR Spring Hearings and Conservation Congress meetings April 11
•Time to protect your boat against spiders and other crawling pests
•Wisconsin River walleye action heating up

•Jeff named promotions and marketing director for US Freshwater Fishing Federation
•Join Dan for “Talkin’ Turkey with Dan Small,” April 9 at Plymouth Alliance Church in Plymouth, Wisconsin


Would you support legislation to ban deer baiting and feeding statewide 10 days before and during the nine-day gun deer season?
YES 67% | NO 33% | MAYBE 0% | UNDECIDED 0% | OTHER 0%
Do you favor increasing the minimum size limit to 40 inches for muskellunge on all waters that currently have a 34-inch minimum size limit, and decreasing the minimum size limit to 28 inches for muskellunge on ten slow-growth waters?

BACKGROUND: Muskellunge 40-inch Minimum Size Limit on Most Waters Statewide

This proposal would increase the minimum size limit from 34 to 40 inches for muskellunge on approximately 600 waters. It would decrease the minimum size limit to 28 inches for muskellunge on ten slow-growth waters:
  • English and Mineral lakes (Ashland County)
  • Bearskin, Booth and Squaw lakes (Oneida County),
  • Julia Lake (Oneida and Forest counties)
  • Butternut and Solberg lakes (Price County)
  • Spider Lake (Sawyer County)
  • Upper Gresham Lake (Vilas County)
You are entered into the drawing - when you leave a COMMENT - for a ... ZipVac portable vacuum sealer starter kit, complete with a rechargeable pump, a hand-operated pump and reusable, resealable storage bags.
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World-record holder for the fastest time canoeing the entire length of the Wisconsin and Mississippi rivers talks about his attempt with partner Dan Hoffmann to break the world record for paddling the Rhine River starting April 16


Conservation Congress liaison for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources urges listeners to attend Wisconsin Spring Fish and Game Rules Hearings in 72 counties statewide on April 11


Founder of Spider Guard, LLC explains how boaters can keep their boats, boat covers and mooring lines free of spiders and other crawling pests this season with a new product approved by the EPA for use on boats, Buggslayer RTU


Pro-staffer for Dwyer Marine in Madison, Wisconsin reports on walleye fishing on the lower Wisconsin River
FISHING CONTESTS: Find them ALL online @ American Fishing Contests


  • April 9: "Talkin' Turkey with Dan Small," Plymouth Alliance Church, 1203 Fairview Drive, Plymouth, WI. Doors open 9 a.m. Event is free, but registration is required. CONTACT: John Kohls 920-912-2113 or John Felten 920-526-3484 ONLINE INFO:
  • April 9: The Flyfishers Spring Opener, 9617 W. Greenfield Ave., West Allis. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Fly tiers Paul Maurer and Dave Pinczkowski. Live music: Keith Scott blues musician. Rod maker reps, plus reps from TU, Badger Fly Fishers, WI Smallmouth Alliance. Raffles, food, casting instruction, more. CONTACT: The Fly Fishers 414-259-8100 ONLINE INFO
  • April 10: Spring Fever Trap Shoot, Hartland Gun Club 11 a.m.-3 p.m. 50-target event, practice trap shooting also available | CONTACT: 262-673-9919
  • April 10, 12 & 17: Intermediate Fly-Tying Class, Riveredge Nature Center, Newburg Students must know the basics and bring tools. Cost is $45 for members, $55 for non-members. Pre-registration is required. CONTACT: 800-287-8098.
  • April 11: Spring Fish & Game Rules Hearings and Conservation Congress Meetings, Statewide in 72 counties at 7 p.m. Vote for Conservation Congress delegates and vote on proposed rules changes and advisory questions. ONLINE INFO: CONTACT: Kari Lee-Zimmermann 608-266-0580
  • April 13: Walleyes Unlimited USA meeting, Root River Lanes, 7220 W. Rawson Ave., Franklin. 7 p.m. Guest fee $5. Speaker: Dan Nowak: "Night Fishing Secrets on Delavan Lake." ONLINE INFO
  • Apr. 15-17: Prairie Chicken Festival, Buena Vista Festival Grounds, Wisconsin Rapids. ONLINE INFO CONTACT: Golden Sands Resource Conservation & Development Council, 715-343-6215
  • Apr. 16: 27th Annual Kids' Fishing Clinics, Milwaukee, Racine, Washington & Waukesha County parks. Clinics begin hourly from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Free instruction, equipment loan for kids 15 and under. CONTACT: Matt Coffaro, 414-263-8614 or 414-263-8494.
  • April 16: Wisconsin Bat Festival, Lussier Family Heritage Center, Lake Farm County Park, 3011 Lake Farm Road, Madison 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Presentations by bat experts Rob Mies and David Redell, live bats from around the world, build a bat house, door prizes, more. Admission $8 for 16 and older, kids get in free. ONLINE INFO CONTACT: 608-224-3604.
  • April 18: Oak Creek Chapter Ducks Unlimited Banquet, Muskego Lakes Country Club 6 p.m. | CONTACT: Scott Jurk 414-339-6531
  • April 18: David Uihlein Memorial Chapter Ruffed Grouse Society Banquet, Milwaukee Athletic Club, 758 Broadway. Doors open at 5 p.m. CONTACT: Jim Hayett 262-691-0100. ONLINE INFO:
  • April 28: World Premiere of "Saving the Ghost Birds," a documentary on the restoration of cranes to Wisconsin. 6 p.m. Stefanie H. Weil Center for the Performing Arts, Sheboygan. General Admission: $10. Silver & Gold Event Packages include reception and/or dinner with Gov. Walker, former Gov. Thompson and other dignitaries. CONTACT: 920-208-3243 ONLINE INFO:
  • April 30: 75th Anniversary Celebration Wild Game Dinner, Waukesha Gun Club, N22 W23170 Watertown Road 5:30 p.m. Dinner will feature wild game prepared by club members and chefs from The Coach House Inn. Proceeds will be used to upgrade the club’s facilities. ONLINE INFO:
  • April 30: Saturday Free Fishing Seminars, Dwyer Marine, 2410 S. Stoughton Rd., Madison. 9:30 a.m. doors open; 10:00 a.m. Geoff Crandall, “Early-Season Madison Muskies;” 11:30 a.m. Duffy Kopf, “Fishing Swim Jigs.” Door prizes, free lunch after seminars, lure displays. ONLINE INFO CONTACT: Jim Prouty 608-222-5591


  • April 9-10: Youth Turkey Hunt statewide
  • April 13: First five-day spring turkey season opens
  • April 20: Second five-day spring turkey season opens.
  • April 27: Third five-day spring turkey season opens.
  • April 30: Yellow perch season closes on Lake Michigan
  • May 4: Fourth five-day spring turkey season opens.
  • May 7: General inland fishing season opens.

Advocate for Clean Water

This message is from the River Alliance of Wisconsin
newspicGovernor Walker's proposed state budget for the next two years is chock full of major cuts to important public services, popular programs, environmental protections and the staff who make sure laws to protect the environment are followed. On the other hand, there's lots of money allocated for more highways, the shadowy new Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation, more highways, tourism marketing ("Come visit our pea green lakes!"), and more highways. The Legislature intends to act fast on these sweeping changes; it is critical to add your voice to the debate to make sure environmental issues don't get lost in the shuffle.
River Alliance is working closely with other conservation organizations to highlight and fight back the many assaults on environmental programs and laws. While we know you depend on us to be the voice for rivers, this effort will take a full chorus. Our only hope is for decision makers to hear loud and clear, early and often from their constituents - you.
The three big water concerns legislators need to hear about are:

  • Keep oversight of commercial construction site erosion control in DNR.
    • Erosion from construction sites is the major source of sediment in our waters, and the budget moves this responsibility to a department with no experience or expertise in erosion control.
  • Maintain the rules for limiting phosphorus in waterways.
    • Phosphorus, the leading cause of algae growth, is in fertilizer, manure and wastewater. Just last summer, with broad support, new rules were approved and are now being set aside without having a chance to work.
  • Maintain the rules for reducing polluted runoff from cities.
    • Since 2002, state rules have required cities to work towards reducing polluted runoff, and just last year, the rules were revised to give cities more time and flexibility to hit the goal. Many cities have spent lots to get there, but the proposed budget lets laggards off the hook.
You can help by:
  • Contacting your Legislator
  • Contacting the Joint Finance Committee
  • Attending a hearing
Read more here:
FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Lori Grant | 608-257-2424 ext. 111

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Cedar Lake Sales - you source for boats!
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Crestliner - Elevate your experience!
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Forge Bow
An Urban Outdoor Adventure on Milwaukee's Lakefront
Gathering Waters Festival
It is the Hunters Network
Hunters Network
Hupy and Abraham, S.C. - Personal Injury Lawyers
Hupy & Abraham
IronClad Lures - Ushering in the Softbait Revolution!
IronClad Lures
Mack's Motors: Your motor repair center.
Mack's Motors
Milford Hills Hunt Club
Milford Hills Hunt Club
Roger B's Hunters Guide -
Roger B's HuntGuide
Ruffed Grouse Society
Ruffed Grouse Society
Wisconsin Clean Marina Program
WI Clean Marina Program
Wisconsin Marina Association
WI Marina Association
Wilderness Scout Canoe - Hydrojet Technology in a CANOE!
Wilderness Scout Canoe
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Wisconsin DNR
ZipVac - Portable Food Storage System
Bugs Bite. Stop'em Cold with 4BuggSpray! width=

Dan Small Outdoors - Broadcasting Wisconsin's Outdoors to the World!
Dan Small Outdoors
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APRIL 16, 2011 |  SHOW #616

thisweek•Sturgeon action hot on Lake of the Woods
•New York’s Lake Erie trophy smallmouth season opens May 7
•Habitat work helps ruffed grouse and other forest species
•Madison Outdoors Report: panfish and walleyes going strong


•Jeff elected to Conservation Congress from Sheboygan County
•Dan hits the steelhead streams



Do you favor increasing the minimum size limit to 40 inches for muskellunge on all waters that currently have a 34-inch minimum size limit, and decreasing the minimum size limit to 28 inches for muskellunge on ten slow-growth waters?
YES 86% | NO 0% | MAYBE 0% | UNDECIDED 0% | OTHER 14%


Do you approve of Wisconsin’s proposed deer season framework for 2011?

BACKGROUND: DNR announces proposed 2011 deer hunting season structure

pollpicMADISON, WI. - Department of Natural Resources wildlife management officials will propose a 2011 deer season structure that promises a return to a more traditional hunting framework by eliminating the October antlerless hunt and allowing the first deer to be either sex in the CWD management zone.

"We hope hunters will see we've been listening to their concerns and that we are taking steps toward the kind of deer season they want to see in Wisconsin," said DNR Secretary Cathy Stepp. "We need the cooperation of our partners, the landowners and the hunters to help manage this deer herd. That is why we've decided to implement herd control tools more acceptable to hunters in 2011," she said.

Specific 2011 deer season framework recommendations that will be presented to the Board for review on April 26-27 include:

  • In units where deer populations are below goals, limiting or eliminating antlerless harvest.
  • In 95 units outside the CWD zone where deer populations are substantially above goals, unlimited $2 antlerless tags but no October firearm season.
  • In the CWD disease management zone, hunters' first deer can be either sex, with Earn-a-buck requirements kicking in after that.
  • CWD Management zone buck stickers earned in 2010 will be honored in 2011;
  • Hunters can obtain up to 4 free CWD antlerless tags per day;
  • These tags can only be used in the CWD zone;
  • There will be October and Holiday hunts in the CWD zone;

Last year, 18 below-population goal deer management units in northern Wisconsin were designated as "zero quota" units meaning that neither gun deer hunters nor archery deer hunters could shoot an antlerless deer. The herd has rebounded in a number of these units, but in eight where the population continues below goal (Units 3, 7, 29B, 34, 35, 39, 44, and 45), DNR will recommend continued "zero antlerless quotas."



You are entered into the drawing - when you leave a COMMENT - for a ... ZipVac portable vacuum sealer starter kit, complete with a rechargeable pump, a hand-operated pump and reusable, resealable storage bags.
Follow ZipVac
on Twitter and subscribe to the ZipVac blog.



Executive director of the Lake of the Woods Tourism Bureau reports on the fantastic sturgeon fishing now on Lake of the Woods and Rainy River



Buffalo NY, owner/operator/fishing guide, of Braun's Outdoors, talks about the upcoming trophy smallmouth bass season on Lake Erie, which opens May 7



Regional biologist with the Ruffed Grouse Society reports on RGS efforts to restore habitat for a variety of forest wildlife species on land reclaimed after oil and gas development



Pro-staffer for Dwyer Marine in Madison, Wisconsin reports on panfish action on the Madison Chain and walleye fishing on the lower Wisconsin River



FISHING CONTESTS: Find them ALL online @ American Fishing Contests


  • April 17: Intermediate Fly-Tying Class, Riveredge Nature Center, Newburg Students must know the basics and bring tools. Cost is $45 for members, $55 for non-members. Pre-registration is required. CONTACT: 800-287-8098.
  • Apr. 15-17: Prairie Chicken Festival, Buena Vista Festival Grounds, Wisconsin Rapids. ONLINE INFO CONTACT: Golden Sands Resource Conservation & Development Council, 715-343-6215
  • Apr. 16: 27th Annual Kids' Fishing Clinics, Milwaukee, Racine, Washington & Waukesha County parks. Clinics begin hourly from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Free instruction, equipment loan for kids 15 and under. CONTACT: Matt Coffaro, 414-263-8614 or 414-263-8494.
  • April 16: Wisconsin Bat Festival, Lussier Family Heritage Center, Lake Farm County Park, 3011 Lake Farm Road, Madison 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Presentations by bat experts Rob Mies and David Redell, live bats from around the world, build a bat house, door prizes, more. Admission $8 for 16 and older, kids get in free. ONLINE INFO CONTACT: 608-224-3604.
  • April 18: Oak Creek Chapter Ducks Unlimited Banquet, Muskego Lakes Country Club 6 p.m. | CONTACT: Scott Jurk 414-339-6531
  • April 18: David Uihlein Memorial Chapter Ruffed Grouse Society Banquet, Milwaukee Athletic Club, 758 Broadway. Doors open at 5 p.m. CONTACT: Jim Hayett 262-691-0100. ONLINE INFO:
  • April 28: World Premiere of "Saving the Ghost Birds," a documentary on the restoration of cranes to Wisconsin. 6 p.m. Stefanie H. Weil Center for the Performing Arts, Sheboygan. General Admission: $10. Silver & Gold Event Packages include reception and/or dinner with Gov. Walker, former Gov. Thompson and other dignitaries. CONTACT: 920-208-3243 ONLINE INFO:
  • April 30: 75th Anniversary Celebration Wild Game Dinner, Waukesha Gun Club, N22 W23170 Watertown Road 5:30 p.m. Dinner will feature wild game prepared by club members and chefs from The Coach House Inn. Proceeds will be used to upgrade the club’s facilities. ONLINE INFO:
  • April 30: Saturday Free Fishing Seminars, Dwyer Marine, 2410 S. Stoughton Rd., Madison. 9:30 a.m. doors open; 10:00 a.m. Geoff Crandall, “Early-Season Madison Muskies;” 11:30 a.m. Duffy Kopf, “Fishing Swim Jigs.” Door prizes, free lunch after seminars, lure displays. ONLINE INFO CONTACT: Jim Prouty 608-222-5591
  • April & May: Celebrate Earth Day throughout the state and help prepare Wisconsin State Parks and trails for summer. Plant trees, rake campsites, repair picnic tables, clean up trails, remove invasive vegetation. After working for a day, volunteers can join DNR staff hiking, biking or exploring the parks. ONLINE INFO: CONTACT: Jenna Assmus 608-264-8994
  • May 7: NRA First Steps Pistol Course Stone Bank Sportsmen’s Club Basic pistol introduction to pistol shooting ONLINE INFO:


  • April 20: Second five-day spring turkey season opens.
  • April 27: Third five-day spring turkey season opens.
  • April 30: Yellow perch season closes on Lake Michigan
  • May 4: Fourth five-day spring turkey season opens.
  • May: 7: General inland fishing season opens.



Wisconsin Spring Fish & Wildlife Rule Hearing results

MADISON – A total of 5,574 people attended the 2011 Spring Fisheries and Wildlife Rules Hearings and Wisconsin Conservation Congress county meetings that were held in every county statewide on Monday, April 11. The hearings provide citizens with an opportunity to comment and provide their input on proposed fish and wildlife rule changes, Conservation Congress advisory questions, and to submit resolutions for rule changes they would like to see in the future.

Hearing results, along with written comments on proposed rules and DNR recommendations are used to advise the state Natural Resources Board. This year’s results will be reviewed at the board’s May 25 meeting in Madison. Votes are non-binding and are presented to the Natural Resources Board to reflect public sentiment on proposed DNR rule changes.

DNR fish and wildlife managers will spend the next several weeks analyzing the vote tallies and developing recommendations they will present to the board in May.

Here are statewide voting results on some key issues:

  • Question 2: Proposed muskellunge size limit raised to 40 inches on most waters.
       Yes=3,221, no=1,485, counties approving=64
  • Question 4: Walleye/sauger size and bag limits changed to 18 inches/three fish on most southern Wisconsin waters.    Yes=2,459, no-1,856, counties approving=51
  • Question 28: Allow archery deer hunting during 9-day November gun season.
        Yes=2,630, no=2,356, counties approving=40>
  • Question 34: Extend each spring turkey hunting period by two days.
        Yes=3,024, no=1,974, counties approving=58
  • Question 41: Lower the age at which anyone can use a crossbow from 65 to 55.
       Yes=2,806, no-2,198, counties approving=55
  • Question 45: Require the use of non-toxic shot on DNR land.
       Yes=1,979, no=2,726, counties approving=12
  • Question 46: Restrict deer baiting and feeding ten days before and through the nine-day gun season.
       Yes=3,066, no-1,928, counties approving=59
  • Question 48: Legalize crossbows for archery season for all hunters.
       Yes=1,969, no=3,017, counties approving=13
  • Question 50: Legalize rifles for hunting deer statewide.
       Yes=2,742, no=1,973, counties approving=61
  • Question 59: Set wolf population goal of 350 or less in next Wisconsin wolf plan.
       Yes=3,989, no=827, counties approving=72

Read more here:

FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Kari Lee-Zimmermann  | (608) 266-0580

Waterfowl hunting can proceed on national wildlife refuges

newspic2WASHINGTON, D.C., April 13, 2011 - Ducks Unlimited and waterfowl hunters across the nation are celebrating today’s federal district court ruling that supports the opening of waterfowl hunting on a number of public lands. Today’s ruling from the Northern Federal Court District of Ohio will help ensure that our country’s waterfowl hunting heritage will be protected. DU joined with Safari Club International and others to intervene in this action on behalf of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service as they attempted to open waterfowl hunting on almost 70 national wildlife refuges around the country. The action was opposed by anti-hunting interests in a lawsuit.

After the ruling, Ducks Unlimited CEO Dale Hall said he supported the decision and reaffirmed DU’s support of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. “Ducks Unlimited and its members have always been strong supporters of the National Wildlife Refuge System, whether it is through participating in the purchase of duck stamps or through directly partnering with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,” Hall said. “I’m pleased this ruling will allow the USFWS to continue its mission of managing and conserving waterfowl and other wildlife along with offering quality wildlife-related recreation opportunities to the American public.”

The lawsuit, which was originally filed in 2003 by organizations philosophically opposed to hunting, attempted to end hunting activities on multiple public lands in the National Wildlife Refuge System by alleging that the refuges had not gone through the proper environmental review process.

Due to the serious implications this lawsuit could have on the ability of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to manage waterfowl and hunting on refuge lands, Ducks Unlimited joined efforts to defend the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s position. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service manages lands in the National Wildlife Refuge System.

FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Emily Tyner |  202-347-1530

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Cedar Lake Sales - you source for boats!
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Forge Bow
An Urban Outdoor Adventure on Milwaukee's Lakefront
Gathering Waters Festival
It is the Hunters Network
Hunters Network
Hupy and Abraham, S.C. - Personal Injury Lawyers
Hupy & Abraham
IronClad Lures - Ushering in the Softbait Revolution!
IronClad Lures
Mack's Motors: Your motor repair center.
Mack's Motors
Milford Hills Hunt Club
Milford Hills Hunt Club
Roger B's Hunters Guide -
Roger B's HuntGuide
Ruffed Grouse Society
Ruffed Grouse Society
Wisconsin Clean Marina Program
WI Clean Marina Program
Wisconsin Marina Association
WI Marina Association
Wilderness Scout Canoe - Hydrojet Technology in a CANOE!
Wilderness Scout Canoe
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Wisconsin DNR
ZipVac - Portable Food Storage System
Bugs Bite. Stop'em Cold with 4BuggSpray! width=

Dan Small Outdoors - Broadcasting Wisconsin's Outdoors to the World!
Dan Small Outdoors
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