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RESULTS FOR POLL s638 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
INSTANT SURVEY VOTE ON - POLL s639 Does Wisconsin need a "deer trustee" ? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gov. Walker to appoint "Deer Trustee" to oversee DNR deer managementDuring his campaign for governor of Wisconsin, then-candidate Scott Walker promised to appoint a "white-tailed deer trustee" to oversee the Wisconsin DNR’s deer management program. The "deer trustee", or "deer czar", as some have dubbed the position, will review current and past deer management practices and recommend changes or modifications. This "deer trustee" would be an expert in the field from outside of Wisconsin. Both Gov. Walker and DNR Secretary Cathy Stepp have said recently that this appointment is in the works and that the position will be filled this fall, most likely prior to the gun deer season. Do you think Wisconsin needs a "deer trustee" to oversee deer management? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Wisconsin to update Beaver Management Plan
<This is an effort to gather information and public comments as we work to update Wisconsin’s beaver management plan,> said John Olson, furbearer ecologist for the state Department of Natural Resources. <We what to hear how citizens view beaver, beaver management and those issues and concerns important to them involving beaver, such as damage control, wild rice management, wetland ecosystems, water quality, trout, roads, disease, forest impacts and agriculture.> Open houses will begin at 6:30 p.m. with short presentations beginning at 7 p.m. on the current beaver management plan, beaver populations and trends and beaver impacts on environments and humans. Following the presentations there will be an opportunities to question biologists, researchers and managers. Attendees will also be asked to complete a short survey regarding beaver management in Wisconsin. The open house meetings will be held: • September 20, La Crosse - Myrick Hixon EcoPark, 789 Myrick Park Dr., north off Hwy. 16 east of Hwy. 35.
In addition to the open houses, a webinar - conference viewable on a computer linked to the World Wide Web - on the beaver management plan update is also scheduled for October 22, beginning at 2 p.m. People with Internet access will be able to log onto the webinar through [tinyurl.com/wibeaver] . FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT:
Could your home survive a wildfire?New DNR video showcases simple steps one homeowner took that saved his home
The Department of Natural Resources has recently completed a nine-minute video on the effectiveness of the Firewise program. The video features an Adams County homeowner whose “Firewise” house survived being overrun by the 3,400 acre Cottonville fire while neighbors all around him lost theirs. FirewiseWhen wildfires happen in Wisconsin, they cause great damage. But, by following a few basic protection tactics, you can safeguard your rural home and buildings. The department has created a storm recovery web page listing resources available to homeowners for help with clean up. The page also features a home protection strategy developed by wildfire experts called, Firewise. People who have questions about dealing with storm-downed trees can also call the DNR call center at 1-888-WDNR-INFo (1-888-936-7463) for information seven days a week, 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. and talke with a live customer service specialist. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT:
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Friday, September 23, 2011
DSORe eNews S639
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