Do you agree with Gov. Walker’s proposals to freeze Stewardship Fun spending and make the Natural Resources Board advisory to DNR?
Change deer baiting and feeding laws
Each spring, Wisconsin holds the annual Fish & Wildlife Rules Hearings and Wisconsin Conservation Congress County Meetings in every county at the same time and date. This year, attendees have the opportunity to vote on proposed changes to conservation rules and on advisory questions posed to gauge stakeholder opinion on various conservation issues. Conservation Congress Advisory Question No. 8, listed on Page 41 of the questionnaire, deals with baiting and feeding of deer. Current laws enacted by the legislature prohibit baiting and feed of deer in all counties where Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) has been detected in either wild or game farm deer. In those counties not affected by CWD, it’s legal to bait and feed deer which creates inconsistent hunting regulations between counties. Banning deer baiting and feeding from September 1 through the last day of any deer hunting season could eliminate numerous issues that many associate with the distribution and movement of deer.