
MAY 07, 2011 | SHOW #619
• Bad birds drive hunters crazy!
• Wisconsin’s inland fishing opener is May 7
• Great fishing and other recreational opportunities in
• Adams County
• Lake Michigan
• Lake of the Woods

• Dan hunts turkeys and fishes for trout in New York State
• Jeff strikes out on Wisconsin turkeys | 

Should penalty money paid by BP as a result of last year’s Deepwater Horizon oil disaster be directed toward the Gulf Coast region?
YES 92% | NO 8% | MAYBE 0% | UNDECIDED 0% | OTHER 0 % | IMPRESSIONS: 288 | RESPONSES: 12 | COMMENTS: 0 |
Do you favor extending each of Wisconsin’s spring turkey hunting periods by two days so that there will be six consecutive, seven-day hunting periods that begin on Wednesday and continue through Tuesday of the following week? |  |

Currently, Wisconsin’s spring turkey hunting seasons begin on the Wednesday nearest April 13 and continue for six consecutive five-day hunting periods. Hunting is not allowed on Monday and Tuesday.
The two days that separate each season were originally intended to allow time for scouting when hunters are not in the woods, to rest birds between seasons, or to give landowners a break from hunters.
Turkey hunting is now a familiar and accepted spring activity and many people believe that extending each spring hunting period by two days will provide additional hunting opportunity without causing conflicts. READ MORE HERE |

You are entered into the drawing - when you leave a COMMENT - for a ... ZipVac portable vacuum sealer starter kit, complete with a rechargeable pump, a hand-operated pump and reusable, resealable storage bags.
Follow ZipVac on Twitter and subscribe to the ZipVac blog. |

JIM SPENCERAuthor of Bad Birds talks about hunting tough toms. Jim is also, co-owner of Treble Hook Unlimited. |  |
FRED NICKELAdams County parks, recreation and trails director previews spring fishing, camping and ATV riding in Adams County. |  |
JENNA WALTONExecutive director of Lake of the Woods Tourism Bureau says sturgeon and northern action is great and forecasts a hot bite for the May 7 walleye opener. |  |
CAPT. DAN WELSCHProprietor of Dumper Dan’s Sportfishing Charters reports on good action now for Lake Michigan browns, lakers and salmon. |  |
MADISON OUTDOORS REPORT EXCLUSIVELY ON FM 100.5 ESPN | DUFFY KOPFPro-staffer for Dwyer Marine in Madison, Wisconsin invites anglers to Dwyer Marine’s Breakfast at the Landing at Olbrich Park Boat Launch on Lake Mendota. |  |

FISHING CONTESTS: Find them ALL online @ American Fishing Contests

Interior Dept. Announces Next Steps in Protection, Recovery and Scientific Management of Wolves
“Gray wolves in the Western Great Lakes are recovered and no longer warrant protection under the Endangered Species Act,” said Acting Service Director Rowan Gould. “Under this proposed rule, which takes into account the latest taxonomic information about the species, we will return management of gray wolves in the Great Lakes to state wildlife professionals. We are confident that wolves will continue to thrive under the approved state management plans.” Public hearings for the proposed removal of wolves in the Western Great Lakes and proposed removal of eastern states from the gray wolf listing will be held May 18 in Ashland, Wisconsin, and on June 8 in Augusta, Maine. More information on the hearings will be available ONLINE | or by calling 612-713-5350.
READ THE FULL PRESS RELEASE on Dan's Blog: Blog The Road |