Results for POLL | |||
Should white or albino deer be protected statewide? YES 52.4% | NO 42.9% | MAYBE 0% | UNDECIDED 4.8% | Comments [2] |
Favorite Photo/Story... Look/Read 'n Let US know | |||
Top 10 unique wildlife photos and stories in 2012
Here are the Wisconsin images and stories that made 2012 a notable year, in addition to celebrating the 40th anniversary of the state law that protects endangered species. These Top 10 selections reflect those photos and stories that came to the attention of Department of Natural Resources communications staff and is decidedly not a scientific survey. If there’s a notable story or photo missing, please share it on DNR’s Facebook page and add to the conversation. Follow this link and then let us know which photo and story is your favorite. Please vote for only one. |
NEXT WEEK: Results for POLL S750 | |||
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
YES 25.8% | NO 61.3% | MAYBE 6.5% | UNDECIDED 6.6% | Comments [10]
Do you approve of the split season with a five-day closure in Wisconsin’s northern duck zone? |
Wisconsin’s northern and Mississippi River zone duck seasons open Sept. 22MADISON – Hunters looking forward to the opening of Wisconsin’s 2012 duck season in the northern and Mississippi River duck zones on Sept. 22 should find good numbers of ducks, according to state wildlife officials.“We will see what fall water conditions look like, but there is the potential for Wisconsin waterfowlers to have a really enjoyable hunting season,” said Kent Van Horn, migratory game bird ecologist for the state Department of Natural Resources. “Continental breeding surveys that have been ongoing for 57 years reported record high numbers of ducks this spring. However, even with excellent continental breeding indications, local water levels and scouting will be the most important factors when pursuing ducks this fall, Van Horn said. “Though many areas are still dry, these conditions have promoted excellent growth of wetland vegetation. This means if water levels rise, migrating waterfowl will find plentiful food on the landscape. Wisconsin is fortunate to have 15,000 lakes and many miles of large rivers that will provide water for fall migrating ducks even during dry conditions.” Many of the ducks harvested in Wisconsin come from birds that breed in the state’s wetlands. The four most abundant ducks in Wisconsin’s fall hunting harvest are mallards, wood ducks, green-winged teal, and blue-winged teal, Van Horn said. READ MORE... |
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Results for POLL s727 | |||
Should the Natural Resources Board approve the proposed regulations for a wolf hunting and trapping season, including a quota of 201 wolves for the 2012-13 season?
YES 77.8% | NO 22.2% | MAYBE 0% | UNDECIDED 0% | COMMENTS [2] |
INSTANT SURVEY VOTE ON - POLL s728 Do you approve of the Deer Trustee and Review Committee’s recommendations for changes to Wisconsin’s deer management program? |
DEER Trustee Report: Confidence or Conflict... ??? | |||
Wisconsin Deer Trustee and Review Committee Release Final ReportIn their final report, Wisconsin’s White-Tailed Deer Review Committee, consisting of Dr. James Kroll, Dr. David Guynn and Dr. Gary Alt, recommended many significant changes in Wisconsin’s deer management program.In the report released to the public on July 9, they suggested the state implement a Deer Management Assistance Program similar to what is done in 20 other states. They also called for a more passive approach to CWD management in southern Wisconsin and the continued use of the Sex-Age-Kill model for determining deer populations on a statewide basis, rather than in individual deer management units. The 135-page report offered recommendations in these areas:
For more information: |
NEXT WEEK: Results for POLL s728 | |||
Friday, July 6, 2012
Results for POLL s726 | |||
Can increased public awareness stop the spread of aquatic invasives?
YES 100% | NO 0% | MAYBE 0% | UNDECIDED 0% | COMMENTS [3]
INSTANT SURVEY VOTE ON - POLL s727 Should the Natural Resources Board approve the proposed regulations for a wolf hunting and trapping season, including a quota of 201 wolves for the 2012-13 season? |
MORE Wolf Questions: Harvest Numbers - ??? | |||
Natural Resources Board to consider wolf season at July special meetingMADISON -- The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has released its final proposal for Wisconsin’s fall 2012 wolf hunting and trapping season. The Wisconsin Natural Resources Board, the policy-making body for the Department of Natural Resources, will meet at 9 a.m. on July 17 in the Spruce/Sands room at the Holiday Inn Convention Center, 1001 Amber Ave., Stevens Point, to consider the rule. Information on the hunting season proposal can be found on the DNR website:search for keyword “wolf.” A wolf hunting season was approved by the Wisconsin State Legislature earlier this year. The board will review final implementation plans for the first year of that hunt. The public is welcome to attend and comment on DNR’s season proposal, including the total harvest goal for 2012; the number of permits to be made available; the number and location of hunting zones; wolf trapping techniques; wolf depredation reimbursement guidelines and administration; and emergency season closure criteria. The 2012 wolf hunting season proposal is a temporary framework, known as an emergency rule. Over the next two years, DNR will be working with the many groups that have an interest in the season to develop a more permanent wolf hunting season framework. The public must pre-register to testify no later than 4 p.m., Thursday, July 12, 2012. Time per speaker will be limited to assure all registered have a chance to speak. For consideration by the board, written comments also must be received by 4 p.m., Thursday, July 12, 2012. To register to testify, please contact
or mailed to
NEXT WEEK: Results for POLL s727 | |||
Should the Natural Resources Board approve the proposed regulations for a wolf hunting and trapping season, including a quota of 201 wolves for the 2012-13 season?
YES 77.8% | NO 22.2% | MAYBE 0% | UNDECIDED 0% | COMMENTS [2]
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Is the proposed harvest quota of 142-233 wolves too low? YES 56.3% | NO 25.0% | MAYBE 6.3% | UNDECIDED 12.5% | COMMENTS [6] |
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Do you support a 42-day spring turkey season instead of six seven-day hunting periods?
YES 20% | NO 80% | MAYBE 0% | UNDECIDED 0% | COMMENTS [2] |
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Should wearing a personal floatation device be mandatory for boaters on Wisconsin’s waters?
YES 0% | NO 100% | MAYBE 0% | UNDECIDED 0% | COMMENTS [2]
Do you support a 42-day spring turkey season instead of six seven-day hunting periods?
Turkey management meetings ask hunters to weigh in on possible changesA recent round of turkey-management meetings is asking hunters if they’d like to see the state’s six-season framework replaced with a “straight-through” 42-day season. Would you support that change in the season framework?READ MORE... |
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Are you concerned about the discovery of a CWD-infected deer in Washburn County? |
Wisconsin DNR considers CWD discoverys fallout
The question we want to know is WHAT do YOU think of this. Let us know. Take the POLL! VOTE YOUR OPINION |
Madison Whether the discovery of CWD in Washburn County results in higher antlerless quotas this fall remains to be seen, but DNR officials on April 4 said they were well aware that deer units in that area already are close to goals.
I know there is concern in that part of state already with the number of permits and the antlerless quota levels, said Kurt Thiede, DNR Lands Division administrator. Those units were close to goal, and we will take that into consideration when reviewing quotas.
The DNR will present this years antlerless goals and permit numbers to the Natural Resources Board on April 25, but as of April 12, the agency was leaning toward leaving quota and permit levels where they were before learning of the CWD-positive doe, according to Dave Zebro, the DNR Northern Region warden supervisor.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Results for POLL s716 | |||
Should Wisconsin and other Great Lakes states reduce trout and salmon stocking?
YES 36.4% | NO 63.6% | MAYBE 0% | UNDECIDED 0% | COMMENTS [2]
INSTANT SURVEY VOTE ON - POLL s717 Do you want to see any changes in Wisconsin’s turkey season structure? |
Changes in WI Turkey Season structure ... ??? | |||
Meetings offer opportunity to be active participant in wild turkey management
Since wild turkeys were re-introduced into Wisconsin in the 1970s, their population has flourished, according to Scott Walter, upland wildlife ecologist for the Department of Natural Resources. “Turkeys can now be found throughout the state, and feedback from hunters, landowners, and others has prompted us to take a fresh look at the statewide Wild Turkey Management Plan, last revised in 1996,” Walter said. “The chance to hear the ideas, concerns, and opinions of the public will be crucial to this process.” The public input meetings are intended to both share information on wild turkey management and gather information from hunters, landowners, and others about the turkey population where they live, hunt, or farm. Meetings should last no longer than two hours, and are open to the public – no registration required. Meeting attendees will be able to view a presentation giving the historical background of the existing Wild Turkey Management Plan and explaining current revision efforts. There will be opportunities during the presentation for attendees to ask questions and discuss turkey management issues. “Anyone interested in the opportunity to discuss local turkey management issues, hunting seasons, and any other wild turkey topic is encouraged to attend,” Walter said. Attendees also will be able to fill out a survey in person. Anyone who is unable to attend a meeting can view the same presentation and fill out the same survey online at their convenience starting on April 19. To learn more about participating in this effort go to and search for “turkey meetings.” READ MORE HERE: For more information contact:
NEXT WEEK: Results for POLL s717 | |||
Friday, March 23, 2012
DSORe eNews Changes Venue ...
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Click to read current eNewsletter S712 |
We will no longer post the eNewsletter for Dan's Radio show here. Instead, we will now post a graphic (seen right) with a link to the eNewsletter online. Additionally, we will include a more in-depth coverage on an interesting topic found-in or related-to the current weeks Radio eNewsletter.
With this new venue, we hope to build a broader audience enjoying Dan's unique view-point on Wisconsin's great outdoors.
Thank you for reading. Please pass the link to this page and Dan's other online locations (found on the Landing Page ). As always we truly appreciate your feedback. Let us know how you like the over web presence, this blog, the eNewsletter, the Outdoors Radio show and more. We look forward to providing you more information, good tips, interesting read and up-to-the-moment news of Wisconsin's Great Outdoors.
- Ed.
Friday, March 16, 2012
DSORe eNews S711
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RESULTS FOR POLL S710 Do you think Wisconsin should have a hunting season on sandhill cranes? YES 55.6% | NO 44.4% | MAYBE 0% | UNDECIDED 0% | COMMENTS [1] | |||||||||||
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Charge the same fee for resident and non-resident fishing licenses?
This is Question No. 34 on this year’s Spring Fish & Game Hearings Questionnaire. As in most states, fishing license options differ or Wisconsin residents and nonresidents. Nonresidents have more short-term license options, but are charged significantly higher fees than residents for comparable licenses. A resident annual fishing license, for example, is $20, while a comparable nonresident annual license is $50. Although higher license fees for nonresidents are a long-standing tradition, the reason why this is done is unclear. | |||||||||||
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Leftover spring turkey permits available beginning week of March 19
MADISON – Remaining permits for the 2012 spring turkey hunting season will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis starting Monday, March 19. Designated zones will be sold each day, starting at 10 a.m. and continue through midnight or until all permits for that zone and/or time period are sold out. The following zones have leftover permits, and the scheduled sales dates are as follows:
Starting Saturday March 24, any remaining permits will be available for purchase until the zone or time period is sold out, or until the season ends. Customers may purchase one permit per day. For more information contact:
Volunteers needed for 2012 sturgeon guard
OSHKOSH, Wis. – It is a spectacle seen nowhere else in the world. Each year, in mid-April the largest population of lake sturgeon in the world spawns in northeastern Wisconsin. The giant, prehistoric fish make their way from the Winnebago Lakes up the Wolf River as they have for the past 10,000 years. While groups of male sturgeon battle it out for the opportunity to fertilize a female’s eggs, standing on the shore are groups of volunteers making sure the fish are not touched. It has been this way for nearly 30 years and will happen again in 2012. The Department of Natural Resources is looking for volunteers for the Sturgeon Guard. This elite group was created in the mid-1980s to make sure the fish, which slam themselves along the shoreline during spawning, aren’t illegally netted or speared. “Those working as members of the sturgeon guard are extremely important to the continued strength of the sturgeon population,” said warden supervisor Carl Mesman, DNR sturgeon camp coordinator, “Our volunteers are not only passionate about protecting the fish, but have become part of this incredible success story. Many come back year after year just to be a part of it.” Spawning usually takes place between a five and nine day period. Those who can be available day or night have the best chance of observing the spawning sturgeon. Guards should be prepared for any and all weather conditions and are encouraged to pair up with a friend or family member to keep them company during their 12-hour shifts. Anyone interested in volunteering should visit the DNR website and search for “sturgeon guard.” FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT:
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