| To enter this week's drawing for a Buggspray Buggslayer Kit to rid your house of Asian lady beetles, boxelder bugs and other insect pests |  Buggspray Buggslayer Kit Call 1-414-297-7554 leave your name and telephone number. | SHOW #517 | 2010 APR 27 |  | • Sturgeon harvest season begins on Minnesota's Rainy River • New laws allow UTVs on Wisconsin roadways and trails • First Annual Youth Fishing Jamboree June 5 at Lake Delton • IronClads pre-rigged baits hit the market |  | • Dan fishes for walleyes on Sturgeon Bay and white bass on the Fox River. • Jeff gets married and catches some smelt all in one weekend! | Results for POLL s516 Do you favor limiting the period for feeding deer for viewing purposes to the day after gun season through Labor Day? YES 46 % | NO 38% | MAYBE 0% | UNDECIDED 0% | OTHER 15% IMPRESSIONS: 265 | RESPONSES: 13 | COMMENTS: 3 | | INSTANT SURVEY VOTE ON > POLL s517: Do you think the DNR's proposed deer season structure will help rebuild the herd in northern Wisconsin?
Background: The state Department of Natural Resources is proposing a 2010 deer hunting framework with fewer areas targeted for herd control and a larger portion of the state under traditional “buck plus quota” regulations. To grow the herd in northeast Wisconsin, the department is proposing issuing no bonus antlerless permits in 18 deer management units where populations are well below goal (compared to 13 last year). This year, for the first time, the department is proposing that archers be restricted from shooting an antlerless deer in these units also, consistent with gun hunters and with the support of bow-hunting groups.
The Natural Resources Board is scheduled to act on the proposal at its April 28 meeting in Green Bay. Read more ...
|  | When you leave a COMMENT you are entered into the drawing for a ... ZipVac portable vacuum sealer starter kit, complete with a rechargeable pump, a hand-operated pump and reusable, resealable storage bags.
| | |  | Looking for Fishing Contests? Find them all online. RUFFED GROUSE SOCIETY BANQUETS & EVENTS Online Info: April 24: Remus, Michigan banquet April 24: Marshfield, Wisconsin Youth Education Day April 29: Sheboygan, Wisconsin banquet May 1: Traverse City, Michigan Spring Fun Trial May 4: St. Cloud, Minnesota banquet May 7: Warroad, Minnesota banquet May 8: St. Ignace, Minnesota banquet May 8: Muskegon, Michigan Fun Trial OTHER EVENTS • May 8: Join Dan and Red Green at Elliot's Ace Hardware, 11003 W. Oklahoma Ave. in Milwaukee, 9 a.m.-noon. Free and open to the public. Online Info: Contact: Elliot's Ace Hardware, 414-545-7759. |  | Wisconsin Spring Turkey Season Wisconsin's spring turkey season is off to a great start! Near-perfect weather greeted Wisconsin turkey hunters on opening morning, Wed., April 14. The rest of the week saw wind and occasional showers in parts of the state, but on the whole, the weather was quite favorable. Hunters found toms receptive to calling, as hens are not yet nesting in most areas. Field reports suggest jakes are in short supply this year, but hunters are seeing good numbers of toms. The second hunting period opened to similar weather on Wed., April 21.
For more news on turkey hunting in Wisconsin, Online Info: Walleye bag limits adjusted for Ceded Territory lakes MADISON - Daily walleye bag limits have been revised on 530 lakes in the Wisconsin Ceded Territory in response to harvest declarations made by six bands of Chippewa in Wisconsin, the state Department of Natural Resources has announced. These bag limits are effective between May 1, 2010 and March 6, 2011, inclusive. There will be a three walleye bag limit for sport anglers on 190 lakes, and a two-fish daily bag limit on 340 lakes, unless they are adjusted upwards later in the season for some lakes.
Most off-reservation Chippewa tribal harvest takes place during the spring spearfishing season. Tribal spearers typically have harvested walleye from 170-180 lakes annually, regardless of the number of lakes initially declared. DNR will review tribal harvest following the spring spearfishing season and may revise bag limits upwards on lakes lightly or not speared. An administrative rule passed by the state Natural Resources Board in 1998 allows the department to adjust initial bag limits to reflect actual spring spearing harvest and projected summer harvests.
The adjusted walleye bag limits (http://dnr.wi.gov/news/DNRNews_Article_Lookup.asp?id=1399) [PDF] are available in portable document format on the DNR Web site. They will also be posted to the fishing regulations page of the DNR Fishing Wisconsin Web site and are being published as an insert to the 2010-2011 Guide to Wisconsin Hook and Line Fishing Regulations. Lakes not listed are subject to the regulations printed in the regulations pamphlet. Anglers should check the regulations for special size and bag limits that are in effect on specific waters.
The 175 lakes declared by the Lac du Flambeau Band have a daily bag limit of three walleye for sport anglers. The DNR and the Lac du Flambeau Band have an agreement giving the Band authority to sell fishing licenses in return for making declarations at a level that allows a three walleye per day recreational angler bag limit.
As part of a 1983 federal Appellate Court decision affirming Chippewa off-reservation hunting, fishing and gathering rights, the six bands of Wisconsin Chippewa set annual harvest quotas for off-reservation lakes in the Wisconsin Ceded Territory. As part of court agreements, the Department of Natural Resources reduces bag limits for recreational hook and line anglers in lakes declared for harvest by the Chippewa bands to assure the combined tribal and recreational angler harvest does not jeopardize the ability of walleye to sustain its population in any lake.
For background information on Chippewa treaty rights, a description of the management and monitoring system used to ensure the long term viability of fisheries in the Ceded Territory, and to see data collected as part of that monitoring system, including walleye population estimates and creel survey summaries for all game fish, see the DNR Bureau of Fisheries Management Internet pages regarding the joint tribal and recreational fishery in the Wisconsin Ceded Territory. | |
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