Friday, February 11, 2011

DSORe eNews s607

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FEBRUARY 12, 2011 |  SHOW #607
thisweek•Attract big bucks with food plots!
• Wisconsin is losing hunters!
• Madison Fishing Expo offers seminars and lots more
upclose•Milwaukee Muskie Expo this weekend at State Fair Park
• Team USA competes in Ice Fishing World Championship at Pechenezhskoye Lake in Ukraine
Should Wisconsin residents be allowed to vote on Conservation Congress Spring Hearing questions via the Internet?
YES 67% | NO 33% | MAYBE 0% | UNDECIDED 0% |
Do you support the management of largemouth and smallmouth bass as separate species and the establishment of separate size and bag limits as needed?

BACKGROUND: Congress's bass, muskie questions lead hearing agenda

(courtesy of Wisconsin Outdoor News)
In the Jan. 28 edition of Wisconsin Outdoor News, contributing writer Tim Eisele reports:
Wausau, Wis. – The Conservation Congress Executive Council met in Wuasau on Jan. 7 and approved nine fisheries and fishing advisory questions for the annual fish and game hearings that take place the second Monday of April in every county of the state – April 11 this year.
pollpic1One of the fisheries questions asks sportsmen their thoughts about managing largemouth bass and smallmouth bass with separate regulations. In the question's preamble, the Congress Warm Water Study Committee explains that the DNR manages bass jointly, just as it does several species of panfish. In most waters the bag limits, size limits and season dates are the same, even though largemouths and smallmouths are different species.
Anglers are not required to know for sure if the fish they catch is a largemouth or smallmouth bass. Establishing separate seasons might allow for increased fishing opportunities because each species would be managed separately, according to members of the committee.
The downside of the proposed change is that some anglers may decide not to fish for fear of misidentifying a fish and possibly receiving a citation.
Read more here
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Nationally known outdoor writer, photographer, outfitter and owner of Iowa Trophy Whitetail Outfitters, tells how his hunters consistently take big bucks. Cooney will present a seminar on managing food plots for deer at the Wisconsin Deer & Turkey Expo, April 1-3 at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison.


Wisconsin DNR hunting and shooting sports coordinator shares his vision for attracting more hunters to the sport and previews the Second Annual Hunting Heritage Conference, Feb. 18-19 at Stoney Creek Inn in Rothschild.


Board member of the Madison Fishing Expo, previews the all-star line-up of seminar speakers at the Expo, Feb. 25-27 at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison.
FISHING CONTESTS  Find them ALL online @ American Fishing Contests


  • Feb. 11-13: Milwaukee Muskie Expo, State Fair Park. Seminars, tackle, boats, guides, resorts, lodges & more. Online Info: Contact: Reuter Show Productions 608-445-4645
  • Feb. 16: Outdoor Wisconsin Banquet, Country Springs Hotel, Pewaukee. Dinner, raffles, auctions, meet cast and crew of Outdoor Wisconsin. Doors open 5:30. Online Info: Contact: Kat Reilly 414-297-7875
  • Feb. 18-20: Central Wisconsin Sports Show, Patriot Center, Wausau. Boats, motors, charters, resorts, seminars, outdoor gear, tackle, guns, guides, campgrounds, archery & more. Online Info: Contact: CIA Marketing 715-757-2370
  • Feb. 19: Havenwoods Annual Winter Naturefest, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Havenwoods State Forest, 6141 N. Hopkins St., Milwaukee. Activities for families and youth groups: mammal tracking and winter survival, snowshoeing, horse-drawn wagon rides, winter camping tips, K9 search and rescue demo. Online Info:, Contact: Havenwoods 414-527-0232
  • Feb. 22-24: Milwaukee RV Show, State Fair Park. 100+ exhibitors featuring RVs, campers, fifth wheels, motorhomes and more. Online Info:
  • Feb. 25 :  Jim Zumbo Wild Game Cooking Show & Dinner,   Stadium View Bar & Grille, Green Bay  6 p.m. social hour with Jim, 7 p.m. cooking show, 7:30 p.m. family-style venison & walleye dinner   Tickets: $45  ONLINE INFO:  CONTACT: 920-884-3159
  • Feb. 24-25: 4th Annual Battle on Bago Ice Fishing Tournament. $75,000 in cash & prizes. Largest Fish Fry on Ice! Online Info:
  • Feb. 25-27: Madison Fishing Expo, Alliant Energy Center. Largest all-fishing show in the Midwest. Seminars, trout pond, boats, motors, tackle, guides, outfitters, resorts, free youth activities & more. Wounded warriors and kids under 12 get in free. Online Info: Contact: Chuck Rolfsmeyer 608-245-1040.
  • Mar. 5-7: Southeast Wisconsin Fishing & Hunting Expo, Olympia Resort, Oconomowoc. Outdoor gear, fishing tackle, boats, motors, archery test/shooting room, youth scavenger hunt archery shoot & trout pond, Lazer Shot shooting system, seminars. Online Info: Contact: 262-965-2088
  • Mar. 9-13: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Sports Show, State Fair Park. Boats, motors, fishing tackle, outdoor gear, guides & outfitters, resorts & campgrounds, climbing wall, archery range, kids shooting gallery, Family Adventure Pavilion, trout pond, seminars & much more. Online Info: Contact: Great Outdoors, LLC 800-472-2070
  • Mar. 11-13: Central Wisconsin RV & Camping Show, Patriot Center, Wausau. RVs & campers, campgrounds, tents, camping gear, power sports, , trucks & SUVs, tourist attractions, seminars, real estate & more. Online info: Contact: CIA Marketing 715-757-2370
  • Mar. 11-13 :  Wisconsin Big Buck Classic  Wisconsin Dells Center  ONLINE INFO:  CONTACT:  Tina Itson / / 608-432-3929
  • Mar. 12: 34th Annual Safari Club International Wisconsin Chapter Free Hunters’ Expo. Wyndham Milwaukee Hotel and Convention Center, 4747 So. Howell Ave. 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m. seminars & displays, 1:00 live auction. Online Info:


  • Feb. 12: Lake Winnebago system sturgeon spearing season opens
  • Feb. 28: Rabbit season closes
  • Mar 06: Game fish season closes on most inland waters. Early catch-and-release trout season opens

Winter Severity Index monitors health of northern deer herd

SPOONER Wis. – State wildlife staff are again monitoring the effects of winter on the state’s northern deer herd using as system known as the Winter Severity Index – and so far things look pretty good. The index uses a combination and accumulation of cold temperatures and deep snows that historically have proven to affect the health and population of deer.
news1Biologists and other department staff add the number of days with daily low temperatures below zero degrees Fahrenheit (F) and the number of days with 18 inches or more of snow on the ground. Up to 50 combined points at the end of the winter is considered mild, from 51 to 80 is considered moderate, 81 and over is considered severe, and any totals over 100 points are considered very severe.
To date, most of northern Wisconsin has snow depths that allow good deer movement, according to Mike Zeckmeister, Department of Natural Resources northern region wildlife biologist.
“About half of our stations are reporting winter points over 20, the other half are 20 or less,” Zeckmeister said. “What stands out this winter is that it started early. We have had below average low temperatures, and snow depths have just hovered below the 18-inch reporting level at many stations up to the end of January.”
Zeckmeister said that with a little more snow, most stations will be adding snow days to their reporting. “Depending on what happens for the rest of the winter, we could go either way. We will factor all of this in, including the final Winter Severity, when we set deer quotas later this spring,” he said.
For WSI numbers for reporting stations.

Court Ruling Puts Hunting Rights on Public Land in Danger

Anti-Hunters Trying to Capitalize on Opportunity to Attack Our Hunting Heritage; Your Voice is Needed
A Federal Circuit Court ruling on the Forest Plan for the Huron-Manistee National Forest in central Michigan mandated that the Forest consider banning all firearm hunting on all or portions of 13 Semi-primitive Areas.
news2This court ruling sets a troubling precedent that could pose a threat to gun hunting on portions of our federal lands across the nation. The Forest Service is accepting public comment on the two alternatives until Feb. 11.
Anti-hunters are generating a lot of comments into the Forest Service and it is critical that hunters stand up to have their opinions heard. If you have not submitted your comment already, please take a few minutes and submit this importation information.
On Dec. 28, the Forest Service published a Notice of Intent to comply with Court direction and develop a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement that will review the proposal to ban firearm hunting on the identified areas.
The Forest Service proposes only two alternatives. The first is “No-Action;” this would reaffirm existing management direction on the Forest and continue to allow hunting on the identified areas. The second is “Modified Closure Alternative;” this would ban firearm hunting on some portion of the identified areas.
Below is a sample comment to help give you a starting point for developing your comments. Please take a few moments to personalize your comments and include what you believe to be the impact of a decision to ban gun hunting. Adding this information will help the Forest Service make a well informed decision.
Sample Comments
  • I urge the Huron-Manistee National Forest to select the No-Action alternative and continue to allow firearm hunting on all Semi-primitive Nonmotorized Management Areas and the Nordhouse Dunes Primitive Area.
  • Language from the Circuit Court decision that prompted the development of the SEIS suggesting that nonhunters who recreate on lands open to public hunting should be able to do so “without ducking the occasional gunshot” demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of American’s tradition of responsible hunting.
  • The decision also ignores the many decades of harmonious coexistence between hunters and other recreationists on public lands throughout Michigan and across America.
  • The opportunity to hunt with a firearm exists for approximately 5 months annually in Michigan. However, substantial hunter activity occurs for only a handful of days each year in association with the gun deer season and several weekends during other popular seasons.
  • As our nation works to introduce a greater proportion of our citizens to the outdoors, it would be counterproductive to create artificial barriers to do so by establishing zones where well-supported and long-practiced recreational uses are no longer allowed.
  • I strongly urge the Huron-Manistee National Forest to aid in sustaining our hunting heritage by selecting the No-Action Alternative as outlined in the SEIS.
Submission Instructions
  • Comments must be received by Feb. 11, 2011. Comments may be emailed to, and should contain the subject line “Forest Plan SEIS.”
  • You may submit a physical copy of your comments to:
    • Forest Planner
      Huron-Manistee National Forests
      1755 S. Mitchell Street
      Cadillac, MI 49601
  • Or,they may also be faxed to 231-775-5551.
If you wish to have legal standing to file an appeal, be sure to include your name and address.

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