MARCH 12, 2011 | SHOW #611 •It's Milwaukee Sports Show time! •Trout fishing review launched to seek angler input •Coulee Region rabbit hunt rocks!  •Dan's Fish & Game Gourmet Honey takes sports shows by storm! •Jeff scores on Delavan Lake panfish.
|   RESULTS FOR POLL s610 Because of concerns about the continuing effects of lead shot on wild game and non-game birds in Wisconsin, • Do you favor requiring the use of non-toxic shotgun ammunition for all hunting/shooting activities, with the exception of department-approved shooting ranges, on department-managed lands? • This proposal would not apply to any form of hunting with rifles or slugs and would not be implemented until 2015 to allow a transition period for retailers and hunters. YES 13% | NO 63% | MAYBE 13% UNDECIDED 13% | OTHER 0% | IMPRESSIONS: 191 RESPONSES: 8| COMMENTS: 0 |
 FISHING CONTESTS: Find them ALL online @ American Fishing Contests RUFFED GROUSE SOCIETY BANQUETS & EVENTS: Online Info: OTHER EVENTS - March 9-13: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Sports Show, State Fair Park. Boats, motors, fishing tackle, outdoor gear, guides & outfitters, resorts & campgrounds, climbing wall, archery range, kids shooting gallery, Family Adventure Pavilion, trout pond, seminars & much more. Online Info: Contact: Great Outdoors, LLC 800-472-2070
- March 11-13: Central Wisconsin RV & Camping Show, Patriot Center, Wausau. RVs & campers, campgrounds, tents, camping gear, power sports, , trucks & SUVs, tourist attractions, seminars, real estate & more. Online info: CONTACT: CIA Marketing 715-757-2370
- March 11-13 : Wisconsin Big Buck Classic Wisconsin Dells Center ONLINE INFO: CONTACT: Tina Itson / tinai@chulavistaresort.com / 608-432-3929
- March 12: 34th Annual Safari Club International Wisconsin Chapter Free Hunters’ Expo. Wyndham Milwaukee Hotel and Convention Center, 4747 So. Howell Ave. 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m. seminars & displays, 1:00 live auction. Online Info:
- March 18-20: Circle M Auctions 10th Annual Whitetail Classic, Grand River Center, Dubuque, IA. Shed antlers, full racks, taxidermy mounts, guns, sporting goods, guided hunts, big boy toys and more. Huge three-day event. Vendors welcome. CONTACT: Steve Morehead, 563-652-9780 ONLINE INFO
- March 18-19: Ultimate Man Zone Expo, Center Court Sports Complex, 815 Northview Rd., Waukesha, WI. Sports competitions, beer & food tasting, vendor exhibits of boy toys, hunting gear and more. Live concerts: Pat McCurdy Fri. night; The Crest Sat.night. ONLINE INFO. Meet Dan and the Fish & Game Gourmet Honey "Queen Honey Bee."
- March 19: Wisconsin Council of Sportfishing Organizations Spring Meeting, Gander Mountain in Franklin, WCSFO membership is not required to attend. ONLINE INFO: CONTACT: John Durben, chilihead@frontiernet.net / 715-745-2248
- March 19: Sportsman Expo & Dinner, Calvary Baptist Church, Watertown. 1-7 p.m. Dinner served at 5:30 p.m. Seminars, vendors, DNR laser gallery, keynote by Ross Crowe. CONTACT: 920-261-7237 ONLINE INFO
- March 20, 22 & 27: Fly tying class, Riveredge Nature Center, Newburg. Cost $45 for members, $55 for non-members. Bring tools and thread. Instructor will supply the rest. Pre-registration is required. Contact: 800-287-8098
- March 26: Wild Game Feast, Kenosha Bible Church. Door prizes, silent auction. Contact: 262-652-4507 ONLINE INFO
- March 27: Sportsmen's Expo, Fox River Christian Church Sportsmen's Ministry, 2-7 p.m. Ironman competition, outdoor products, raffles, barbecue chicken dinner CONTACT: Jim Caughey sportsmen@foxriverchristian.org
- March 30: Milwaukee Chapter Ducks Unlimited Banquet, Wisconsin Club, 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $125. ONLINE INFO: CONTACT: Scott Anderson 262-786-1416
- March 31: Washington County Chapter of Walleyes for Tomorrow Banquet, Washington County Fairgrounds 5 p.m. Tickets $75, which includes dinner, membership and newsletter. ONLINE INFO: CONTACT: John Gonnering jgonnering@charter.net / 262-675-2681
WISCONSIN HUNTING & FISHING SEASONS - March 21: Leftover spring turkey permits go on sale
- March 26: Steelhead season opens on Brule River
- April 9-10: Youth Turkey Hunt
- March 31: 2010-2011 hunting and fishing licenses expire
- April 13: First 5-day spring turkey season
- May 7: General inland fishing season opens
 Wisconsin Deer Management Unit Information Forums to Be Held Around the State MADISON – A series of deer management public information forums are scheduled across the state in March. These forums are for anyone interested in deer and the most up to date deer management unit information. Topics will include 2010 harvest summaries and recommendations for 2011 season frameworks, increasing hunter survey participation and new deer research progress. Local wildlife biologists will be on hand at each meeting to provide information on local deer management units and answer questions. The meetings are intended to share information with the public about Wisconsin deer management and how it is applied in the local areas where they live, hunt or farm. The local wildlife biologist will provide a brief presentation followed by a question and answer period. Some meetings may also have an open house format, allowing attendees to stop in anytime during the scheduled time. People are encouraged to attend the meetings that cover the deer management units they are interested in (see the list of deer management unit meetings in the DNR Hearing and Meeting Calendar), but are welcome to attend any of the meetings. People who are unable to attend any of the forums also have an opportunity to discuss the units with DNR wildlife staff at the: - Wisconsin Sport Show in Eau Claire
- Deer and Turkey Expo in Madison
- Wisconsin Deer Classic and Hunting Expo in Green Bay
- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Sports Show in West Allis
Additional information about the forums is available on the DNR website FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Dan Hirchert, Madison (608) 264-6023, Bob Manwell (608) 264-9248 or area wildlife biologists listed for the meeting locations in the meeting calendar. |
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