Friday, March 9, 2012

DSORe eNews S710

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VOL: MARCH 10, 2012   ISSUE: SHOW #710





thisweek•Choosing the right rifle and load for whitetails
• Wisconsin hunters invited to deer hunter forums around the state this month



upclose• Meet Dan and the Queen Honey Bee at the Milwaukee Sports Show
• Jeff tries out for the USA Ice Team again


Would you support the concept of separate (DMU specific) antlerless deer permits for private and public lands in any DMU with an antlerless quota?
YES 40% | NO 60% | MAYBE 0% | UNDECIDED 0% | COMMENTS [2]



Do you think Wisconsin should have a hunting season on sandhill cranes?

Sandhill crane season awaits introduction

Wisconsin Outdoor News contributing writer Don Bluhm wrote:

Madison — What would Aldo Leopold say about hunting sandhill cranes in Wisconsin?

Based on his writings, teachings, and today’s sandhill crane numbers, he likely would support a hunting season.

Leopold, the legendary Wisconsin environmentalist, seemed pretty sure at one point in his career, in the early 1900s, that the sandhill crane was doomed, the result of habitat loss and overharvest.

Instead, the bird’s recovery has been remarkable, and today the sandhill is considered the most numerous of all the crane subspecies in the world, with an estimated population of 600,000.

“The sandhill crane has emerged as an icon of conservation success and a changing wildlife legacy,” said Kent Van Horn, the Wisconsin DNR’s migratory bird ecologist.


The question we want to know is WHAT do YOU think of this.
Let us know. Take the POLL!   VOTE YOUR OPINION



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Firearms expert and TV show host from Boise, ID offers advice on choosing a rifle and load that will anchor bucks fast, the topic of his seminar at the Field & Stream Deer & Turkey Expo

Ron Spomer


Wisconsin DNR big-game ecologist talks about upcoming deer hunter forums around the state



Proprietor of Donnybrook Kennel in Cedar Grove, WI talks about the tank show retriever demos at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Sports Show and the value of using a well-trained retriever for bird hunting

Doug Janes


Director of the SE Wisconsin Fishing & Hunting Expo shares highlights of this year’s expo, Mar. 16-18 at Olympia Resort in Oconomowoc

Chuck Smalley


DUFFY KOPF | Pro-staffer for HT Enterprises and Jiffy Ice Drills reports on fishing action in the Madison area and the upcoming Muskie School at Waunakee High School March 17

Duffy Kopf




FISHING CONTESTS: Find them ALL online:  @ American Fishing Contests



DNR unveils new website


The NEW and IMPROVED, WDNR website
image courtesy, WDNR ©2012 

MADISON – The Department of Natural Resources website,, has undergone an extreme makeover and now it’s ready for the big reveal.

The new layout, global header, footer, topic-based landing and content pages will make it easier for those looking for information or ways to access permit applications and purchase licenses online. This new look and functionality is designed to provide a better customer experience.

“I’m absolutely thrilled with this new design,” said DNR Secretary, Cathy Stepp. “It’s been a challenge but I think it’s turned out wonderfully and I’m very interested in hearing from our customers what they think of this effort. I hope they will be pleased and as they explore the site give us feedback for ways to make it even better.”

In addition to a cleaner design and improved search functions, the new website will feature images of Wisconsin outdoors and outdoor activity in all seasons of the year and one-click links to news of the day and other popular features. Visitors will also be able to link directly to the department’s Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Flickr sites from any page.

“Our visitors will notice a cleaner, simplified, more customer and business-friendly layout,” said JD Smith, redesign project manager. “We’ve improved our search function using keywords with the goal of helping website visitors find the information they’re looking for easier and faster. We invite visitors to click on the feedback link in the footer to provide comments.”

Read more here:

For more information contact:

  • Bill Cosh, DNR spokesperson | Phone: (608) 267-2773

Bears with cubs on public property need understanding and space, not food

Black bear sow. This black bear sow in Eau Claire County is feeling threatened by people getting too close to her cubs. DNR Photo ©2012

EAU CLAIRE – With longer days and warming temperatures, bears are moving around their winter dens and in some cases are easily visible. Sows, in particular, will stay close to their dens to care for cubs.

Wildlife biologists with the state Department of Natural Resources are asking people to give these bears a lot of space. Curiosity is natural, and seeing bears is exciting, but when people gather at these sites, the sows feel threatened, according to John Dunn, a DNR wildlife biologist.

DNR conservation wardens report that people have gotten too close to a sow with cubs in Eau Claire County and have also tossed food at bears. The bears do not need human food and this amounts more to harassment than charity, biologists said.

“In this case, you have cubs that are probably two months old,” Dunn said. “They are dependent on their mother for warmth and food and nursing. If there is a certain level of harassment, she will abandon them. We are depending on the public to leave the sow alone so she can take care of her cubs.”

DNR employees report that a similar situation in Wood County has been troublesome. In that case, with a sow and cubs easily visible in a road culvert, people have thrown food at the bears and the landowner reports seeing spotlights shined into the den at night.

Additionally, while black bears are not generally a threat to people, Dunn said, and will tolerate a fair level of harassment without becoming aggressive, there are limits. When a sow with cubs has a den in a publicly accessible location, public safety becomes an issue.

In the Eau Claire county case, the sow has already exhibited aggressive behavior indicating it is feeling threatened and doesn’t have enough space to feel safe with its cubs, Dunn reports. Fortunately, the bear has moved its cubs a short distance onto private property, still visible but less accessible.

DNR employees have increased monitoring efforts, have spoken to neighbors and have sought assistance from local law enforcement.

Read more ....


  • Braan Markowski, DNR wildlife technician, Eau Claire - (715) 839-3838
  • John Dunn, DNR wildlife biologist, Eau Claire - (715) 839-3771
  • Ed Culhane, DNR communications - (715) 781-1683

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